I only live about 60 miles from the Scottish border but I don’t often cross it. Last week, however, I went twice! Tuesday was a visit to the Gracefield Arts Centre in Dumfries to review Ruth Lee‘s exhibition, Reading Between the Lines, for the next issue of Workshop on the Web. It’s an excellent show of Ruth’s work and well worth seeing, if you are anywhere nearby before 3 November. There was also a preview copy of Ruth’s new book Contemporary Knitting for Textile Artists, which has gone on my wish list! I’ll post a link to the exhibition review when it’s published in December.

Then on Saturday I caught the train up to Edinburgh to visit my friend Lee and her husband Andy. Lee is a fibre artist who creates wonderfully vivid images in felt, like this "Sheep Number 12".

sheep by Lee Fitton

Lee took me on an eclectic tour of the city. First to the Elephant House – not the zoo, but the coffee house where JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books. I have a passion for elephants so I was overwhelmed by the sight of so many in one place – models, photos, books, hangings, furniture… this one was given to the Elephant House by “Linda Greer, on behalf of her brothers and sisters, in memory of her father Jimmy Ferguson”.


After delicious coffee and cake we took a circuitous route through the city, via the delightful Dean Village and along the Water of Leith to the Museum of Modern Art. In front of the museum is the stunning ‘Landform‘ by Charles Jencks – a landscape of banks and curved pools that you can walk on and around.

(The tall slender shadow is Lee and the small round one is me.)
landform steps

We ended up sitting in Lee and Andy’s pretty garden, drinking more coffee and enjoying the late afternoon sunshine. A beautiful day in a beautiful city.


visiting Scotland

2 thoughts on “visiting Scotland

  • October 9, 2007 at 8:54 pm

    I’m absolutely captivated by your blog! Everything about it interests and thrills me. What fun! What an amazing and charming life you must have.

    My dream is to one day go where you live. I’ve dreamed of your area of the world since I was a girl. One day!

    Hey – do you mind if I make you my “blog of the week” next week? I want my folks to meet you, too…

    Thanks for your kind comment and visit to my blog today. I’m honored to “meet” you.

    My Messy, Thrilling Life

  • October 26, 2007 at 3:46 am

    I came across your blog, from a link at Textile Tales. Thanks for the info about the Museum and Dean Village. I will be visiting Edinburgh next month and these look like interesting places to visit.

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