Today I finished off the felt slippers for Alan. He was away when I started them and I wanted to wait to do the final sizing till he could actually try them on. They turned out very hairy! I used a mixture of Hebridean, alpaca and merino, but I think the stray hairs are the white fibres from the Hebridean fleece, as they’re all pale. I did use some pale alpaca but also an equal amount of chestnut and that has all felted in fine. I’ve now done what a sensible person would have done first, and made a sample of each to see how they felt alone. Everything is drying in the airing cupboard (it’s so nice to have one of those).

felt slippers

I’m quite pleased with the slippers for a first attempt and glad to say Alan seems to like them too. I tried to be restrained with the colours and not put in any pink or purple! In contrast, the card I made last week has rather a lot of both.

needlefelted motif

I’ve been enjoying some ‘new to me’ blogs recently – India Flint’s Not all those who wander are lost; Elvis Robertson’s Lovely Textiles, found through Neki’s blog; and Jenny Dean’s Wild Colour, found through Helen’s blog.

We’ve had some glorious winter sunshine this week, with clear skies and beautiful sunsets. We don’t see the sun set over the sea from here, but the distant clouds catch its colours and give us a glimpse of it.

moon and cows

slippers and sampling

5 thoughts on “slippers and sampling

  • December 6, 2008 at 11:33 pm

    Fabulous slippers. Nice for Tiree weather.

  • December 7, 2008 at 4:43 pm

    Gosh, those slippers are fabulous, congratulations.

  • December 8, 2008 at 12:19 pm

    handsome slippers and very manly 🙂

    neki desu

  • December 9, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    Fiona, thank you for those great links, I did not know they have blogs!
    I am happy that you found the slipper tutorial useful, when I saw them on Flickr first their shape reminded me of the ones I made :).

  • January 5, 2009 at 12:05 pm

    The slippers are gorgeous! Glad to see you are back and blogging, hope you have settled into your new home!

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