I’ve been using Workflowy for about a year now to keep track of just about everything; its simple list format suits me perfectly. I don’t use it as a short term to-do list (I have a book for that) but everything else goes into Workflowy: web bookmarks, quotes, lists, ideas, projects, workflows, event planning. It’s a personality prosthesis for my memory.
As soon as I started looking at the texts and web sites assigned for week 1 of Art and Social Practice, I found something else I wanted to remember and come back to, at which point I created a new Workflowy list for the course. Then I wondered if I could ‘keep’ the list on this blog, for anyone else who might be interested. Workflowy doesn’t yet make an official API available but it turns out there’s a very simple way to embed a list – thanks to Daniel Paul O’Donnell for this.
For my purposes, as mine is a public list, when I shared it in Workflowy I selected ‘others can view’ – not edit. I’ll be adding to my list throughout the course: notes, interesting web sites, questions, things to do and so on.
Did I say, I think Workflowy is brilliant!