Well, my designboard was OK for an overall impression, but not precise or detailed enough – I was hoping not to tie myself firmly to what is on the paper, but that’s what I need to try and do now. I’ve now painted up a full size image in acrylics, but the colours aren’t good and it doesn’t give any sense of the colour depths that will come from layering the fabrics. I’ll use it to experiment at the right scale, but I also used Photoshop to do as detailed a design as I could and sent that back to my tutor.
I was thinking a lot yesterday about different styles of working, I err on the haphazard side so it’s very good for me have this discipline imposed, planning the detail ahead on paper instead of what I usually do, which is to get out the materials and see what happens… Some interesting thoughts on this, and insights into the different ways people approach design, in Do you plan your work? on Arlee Barr’s blog.