Lois Jarvis’ Rust-Tex blog charts her ongoing journey of exploration into rust dyeing.
There are lots of interesting blog posts showing rust-dyeing experiments including those of Liz Plummer of Dreaming Spirals, Shirley Goodwin of Dyeing2Design, MargaretR of Digital Gran, Francoise of Creatilfun, and Helen of Quilts and ATCs.
Art Van Go sell chemicals for iron rust dyeing on the stove-top, with the technique described here , and there’s a NUNO NUNO book that documents a Rust-Dyeing workshop in 1999 at Taishamachi. Under the auspices of architect Toyo Ito, Nuno staff and local school students worked on the beach “using seawater and iron scraps to create imaginative designs in a day-long workshop”. Say, of Plum Tuckered, attended a Nuno led workshop at her school, and a followup post shares some fascinating technical information.
Thanks for the mention, Fiona! But don’t forget Kimberly Baxter Packwood – she’s the GURU of rust dyeing as far as I’m concerned! http://www.prairiefibers.blogspot.com and http://www.prairiefibers.com/Rust%20Dyeing.htm