It’s chilly here at the moment – hoar frost everywhere that’s lasting right through the day. Tansy and I went out to post a few straggling Christmas cards that may not make it for Christmas and to enjoy the wintry beauty and the crunch of frozen leaves underfoot. The moon is almost full and the trees make delicate traceries against the late afternoon sky.
I’ve only just started to put up decorations and still have shopping to do – and I need to pack away my art stuff so my daughter can have her bedroom back when she arrives on Sunday. And get organised with some portable creativity so I can make the most of the holiday. I don’t think I’ll be doing any coursework while the house is full – but I’ve been reading Ruth Lee’s book Contemporary Knitting for Textile Artists, and feeling inspired to play. Speaking of Ruth Lee, I forgot at the time to post a link to my review of her exhibition ‘Reading Between the Lines’ that came out in December’s Workshop on the Web.
In lieu of a virtual card for you, this is our homemade nativity scene – created by my daughters from self hardening clay when they were children – I always feel as if Christmas has really begun when these exuberant little figures come out of their box. I wish you all a peaceful, joyful and creative Christmas.
I love those photos!
Ruth Lee used to be a great favourite of mine when I was a machine knitter. i think I’ll go and have a browse on her website.
Thanks, Mags. The Ruth Lee book is very inspiring.