A few weeks ago was the 7th Tiree Tech Wave – the Tech Wave is a twice yearly design and tech retreat run by my husband Alan. This year I decided to join in the fun with ‘Weave at the Wave’, a ‘come and play’ session each afternoon in the cattle ring.


We had five looms set up, a couple of rigid heddles, a small tapestry loom, a table loom on a stand and a Saori loom with 4 shafts, plus some mini projects weaving on cards and CDs, and a box or two of LilyPad Arduino bits and pieces for e-textile experiments.

I forgot to take any pictures but there are some here by Jacqui at Tiree Living, and these are a couple of partly woven CDs. (If you want to try this I recommend  this tutorial by Make It… A Wonderful Life.) People of all ages enjoyed making these.


Someone started this lovely skinny scarf on the Ashford SampleIt  loom and borrowed the loom to finish it at home. It’s hard to believe she’s never woven before.


With the e-textiles, one person made dreadlocks that light up, and another wove a headband, then stitched a circuit into it that lights an LED from a battery.

I hope we’ll be able to do this again in the Autumn. In fact I wish I could think of a way to do it more often.

Since as a result I have both my ‘big’ looms set up with a cotton warp, I’ve been doing some playful  weaving of my own with colours and patterns.  (My looms are tiny as looms go but big when compared to our living room!)

Playful weaving

2 thoughts on “Playful weaving

  • June 20, 2014 at 1:41 pm

    Lovely to hear about the weaving action at the last Tech Wave – I was gutted not to be able to make it but hoping to come up in October instead, might bring my loom along too!

    Hope to meet you then and talk textile and tech, Angharad

  • May 15, 2015 at 7:08 am

    Thank you for linking to my blog, and sharing my cd weaving with your group. I love seeing people all over the world connecting with our project. 😀 (It looks like you all had a good time!)

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